Sunday, September 5, 2010

The half-an-year update

Woohoo it is another regular biannually maintenance of this site. I've even forgotten the URL of my blog.

Anyway, nothing much gets done nowadays, school work wise. Can't seem to focus on my priorities, keeping thinking about stuff not related to school work. I dread going to lectures, listening to them, doing tutorials and (god-forbid) lab reports. Now I have no idea why all that is going on, probably too much going on in my head. Probably too much useless thoughts recycling itself.

I get the sense of accomplishment from finishing a piece of work, but the feeling of not being able to share it with someone else sucks.

I realised, upon reading my earlier entries, I complain a lot. Guess I have either 1) grown older and wiser 2) Lowered my expectations. Or perhaps as one grow older, you seem to 看开 more and treasure more. I hope I am not too late in realising that.....

I promise to update more often!!!!!!

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