Monday, January 5, 2009


This series of short stories set me thinking about the intricateness of relationships and distance.
Check it out here. I can't write as well as someone can, but it gave me a queasy yet "i know its true" feeling. Physical distance can pull apart relationships, be it friendship, kinship or plain bgr. It is both agonizing and saddening to see the process taking place, slowly but surely. And at the same time, how one can get as close to another physically, yet to remain far apart in terms of their thoughts and aspirations is also another theme that is simple, humane yet unexplanable. I have no idea what am i writing here. For the sake of filling up space, or for whatever reason i have no idea at all.

And my fav song currently:

I'm always searching, for your figure to appear somewhere
At a street crossing, in the midst of dreams

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