Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A last day of Semester #1..

has ended, with torrential rain in(at least)the western part of the little island i lived on.

Well, minus some minute irrelevant details about having some tutorial classes on the coming friday and lectures which i normally will forgo(which comes to wonder why am i paying school fees anyway), it doesn't seem like a "last day of the semester" day.

My "last day of the semester" day:

Teacher: Thank you for all the times we have spent together. Although we had a short term together, I hope that it will be fun and enriching. Now, Class Dismissed!
Girl A(camwhore): Let's take a class photo!
Everyone: Ok!

--Meanwhile while everyone is posing --
Guy A to Girl B: It ended, huh?
Girl B: Yeah..Now we will go our separate ways. It is kinda sad but..
Guy A: But..?
Girl B: You know.. OUR separate ways..
Guy A: ...

Girl C: *sob
Girl D: *pokes and gives tissue. "Upset that we can't see each other regularly again, huh?
Girl C: Kinda.
Girl D: Or is it just Guy X?
Girl C: *bitchslaps Girl D. "Shut up!"

Guy B: Just get this over and done with k? I still have stuff to do!
Guy C & D: omgwtfbbq i'm gonna leavin

Girl A passes camera to random person, and shutter pressed.

Guy E to Girl G - I and Guy F - H: Let's hang out at ******

Guy Y leaves silently as Girl Y noticed this and chases up to him

-------(note girl to guy thing here. It is intended)------------------------------

This is complete bullshit. Anyway it seems like a normal day other than this

(German?)Potato Salad consisting of Potatoes,Kraft mayo,English parsley,some Bratwurst,diced cucumbers

Ironically, this was during a lecture. But I had the most fun during german lessons, not counting tests. At least i need not see numbers smaller than 1 or larger than 1000, = signs, INTEGRATION signs. I rather see ä ö ü and ß over them. At least there are interactions between the lecturer/tutor and students, not just some one way traffic.

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