Monday, November 24, 2008

May'n in AFA08!

Too bad I have exams. :(

What 'bout my star?


Diamond Crevasse

Northern Cross

Don't be late

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Xedo acts again...?

Summary: 5 Anime Studios Sue 4 'Heavy Downloaders' in Singapore

Link Here

On a side note, anyone realised the existance of May'n before the the emergence of Macross Frontier? It is an irony that she is appearing in Singapore in AFA'08 given that 1) Macross Frontier isn't aired here 2) DVD's of said anime haven't appeared here, unless imported from Japan.

Now I wonder how do her fans here even know about her in the first place..Hmm. I really wonder.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A last day of Semester #1..

has ended, with torrential rain in(at least)the western part of the little island i lived on.

Well, minus some minute irrelevant details about having some tutorial classes on the coming friday and lectures which i normally will forgo(which comes to wonder why am i paying school fees anyway), it doesn't seem like a "last day of the semester" day.

My "last day of the semester" day:

Teacher: Thank you for all the times we have spent together. Although we had a short term together, I hope that it will be fun and enriching. Now, Class Dismissed!
Girl A(camwhore): Let's take a class photo!
Everyone: Ok!

--Meanwhile while everyone is posing --
Guy A to Girl B: It ended, huh?
Girl B: Yeah..Now we will go our separate ways. It is kinda sad but..
Guy A: But..?
Girl B: You know.. OUR separate ways..
Guy A: ...

Girl C: *sob
Girl D: *pokes and gives tissue. "Upset that we can't see each other regularly again, huh?
Girl C: Kinda.
Girl D: Or is it just Guy X?
Girl C: *bitchslaps Girl D. "Shut up!"

Guy B: Just get this over and done with k? I still have stuff to do!
Guy C & D: omgwtfbbq i'm gonna leavin

Girl A passes camera to random person, and shutter pressed.

Guy E to Girl G - I and Guy F - H: Let's hang out at ******

Guy Y leaves silently as Girl Y noticed this and chases up to him

-------(note girl to guy thing here. It is intended)------------------------------

This is complete bullshit. Anyway it seems like a normal day other than this

(German?)Potato Salad consisting of Potatoes,Kraft mayo,English parsley,some Bratwurst,diced cucumbers

Ironically, this was during a lecture. But I had the most fun during german lessons, not counting tests. At least i need not see numbers smaller than 1 or larger than 1000, = signs, INTEGRATION signs. I rather see ä ö ü and ß over them. At least there are interactions between the lecturer/tutor and students, not just some one way traffic.