Sunday, October 26, 2008

The long overdue update #1

After getting bored with Deutsch Hausaufgabe,"Was machen Sie am Wochenende"(which means What do I do over the weekend?), I've decided to post the pics of .......Adventures of chee and I in Sunset Way!

Ok that was lame.

Apparently we were too early ( we reached there at around 4+pm). Little do i know that someone wrote on this japanese restaurant before.

There is even someone sleeping here! Looks like we were there the wrong time...After some research the area was touted as the next potential Holland V...well I think there is still much to go before it becomes a village.

super blurry pics ftw!

And then, there was an AniPlay shop around the area, but we didn't take any pics.

And we wrap up our little adventure with Botak Jones.

For those who had never go to the BJ before...don't go. At least, don't get their burgers.

Now I can say I blogged over this weekend. ^_^

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