Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What are friends?

Was watching Shigofumi a while ago when one of its characters commented that he doesn't comprehend the reason behind his friend's suicide, even if he was a close "friend" of his. What are friends? What are they suppose to do?

From Merriam-Webster:
1 a
: one attached to another by affection or esteem b: Acquaintance
4: a favored companion

So, are friends acquaintances? Mere pedestrians in our personal road of life? I wonder. It isn't a direct truth or lie. How many true friends can one make in life, friends that stands by through thick or thin, one that gives you advice,one that knows of, understands and accepts your aspirations, dreams, fears, likings, maybe even your inner malevolences. Humans are a herd animal;and yet they are lonely. Lonely, because few truly understands them, not even their spouse, direct families. "Friends" or acquaintances i might say, come in groups and go in crowds.

Am i concerned about this problem? Definitely. My personality doesn't allow me to find a friend easily, more to say a true friend. But perhaps, that will not be that bad after all...

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