Saturday, January 5, 2008


Yay for first post.

I did not know what came into my mind that prompted me to make this blog. Boredom? Perhaps. Influence? Maybe. Some bits of both and some other factors most likely. Anyway, you do what your heart tells you to do. So i am here typing to fill up space in my otherwise empty space i call my own in the virtual dimension.

I do not have bombastic vocabulary like some other people have. Nor grammar. Not that i care. But still, forgive me for any errors and wrong usage of words and update me if my words scorched your eyes and you have an irresistible urge to correct me and show me to your way of perrfect Queen's English. In other words, please refrain from doing the above. I am what i am. Like i am who i am. You can, but it will probably have little to no effect on me.

Feel free to spam anything in the tag. Including words like u***, die stupid hentaiboy ch3e. Censorship is present, though i doubt i will do much except for really, really evil stuff that sane humans won't say in the presence of a mighty being. Or a disciple of. Or blind followers. Whatchamalacallit you wish.

Hopefully this blog will stay for long and not die off due to lack of care and concern, or time or interest. Simply because blogs are indeed a good place to bitch off all your steam and anger( that is what i think about blogs anyway). So i will explode if i don't.

Ending off, have a nice day! :)


1 comment:

Chee said...

congrats, need flower wreaths?